Previously we talked about finding your core to support graceful, coordinated movement. But it's also worth noting, that your core is not some separate unit outside of the body to train in isolation. ...
Studio Blog
How to Find Your Core
First off, know that abdominal strength doesn't have anything to do with the superficial six-pack we're sold by the larger world of fitness and diet culture. Let's just get that out of the ...
6 Exercises for a Healthy Spine
A Healthy Spine knows when to be stable and when to be limber, when to brace against external forces and when to transfer those external forces throughout the body. In these 6 Pilates mat exercises, ...
2022 Pilates Posture Series
We're excited to offer unique Pop-Up Classes in winter 2022 to start your year off right. The goal is to introduce you to new territory, walk away more enlightened and uplifted, and have fun ...
What to Expect From Your First Pilates Session
We all get butterflies in our stomachs when we're starting something new. But we don't want nerves to keep you from doing something you've always wanted to try. We want you to succeed at your ...
New Private Pilates Packages and Membership Pricing
It’s been ten years since we’ve raised our private Pilates prices. In that time our studio has significantly evolved and grown. With this growth, PM has continued to dedicate as ...