A New Year can be a great time to reflect and analyze what goals a person wants to achieve moving forward. And a lot of us set health-related goals! Like running a marathon. Lose the holiday ...
Pilates and Pregnancy; What is OK?
Pilates, with it's amazing benefits can be a tool through what is an incredibly new, life-altering and nerve-wracking experience for you; pregnancy! Your body during pregnancy, both physically, ...
How to Improve Core Mobility
Previously we talked about finding your core to support graceful, coordinated movement. But it's also worth noting, that your core is not some separate unit outside of the body to train in isolation. ...
How to Find Your Core
First off, know that abdominal strength doesn't have anything to do with the superficial six-pack we're sold by the larger world of fitness and diet culture. Let's just get that out of the ...
When to Level Up Your Pilates Fitness!
We get asked a lot "What Pilates fitness level is appropriate for me?" or "Do you think I can do a higher fitness level?". As an education-focused studio, we prioritize your safety and long-term ...
Pilates Delivers a Toning Workout
How you exercise is just as important as exercise itself. Pilates workouts build elongated, sculpted muscles. Incorporate Pilates to balance muscle recruitment as a part of your overall health ...